“The Governor’s Appointment” is a gripping novel that explores the complex issues of race, corruption, and power in a small town in Mississippi. The story follows the newly elected black Alderman, Russell Johnson, who is appointed as acting Mayor after the mysterious death of the town’s last Mayor. As Johnson navigates through the demands of the black residents for change and the resistance of the white residents to maintain the status quo, you will be taken on a thrilling ride of twists and turns. The plan hatched by a black State Representative to take over many small towns throughout Mississippi adds a layer of intrigue and urgency to the story. With the promise of the South rising again from the returning millions from the cities of the North, “The Governor’s Appointment” is a must-read for anyone interested in the complexities of race and power in America.

Why Read It?

The novel provides an unflinching look at the issues of race and power in America and is a timely reminder of the work that still needs to be done to establish equality and justice for all. If you’re invested in exploring the complexities of race and power in America, you should not miss “The Governor’s Appointment.” It is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that delves into the intricacies of discrimination, corruption, and power in a small town in Mississippi. As the town grapples with issues of racial tension and political upheaval, you will be taken on a thrilling journey of twists and turns. With a timely and unflinching examination of these complexities deeply rooted in America, this novel is a must-read for anyone interested in discovering the realities of our country’s past and present. “The Governor’s Appointment” is a powerful reminder that America still has a long way to go to establish equality and justice across the states.
